SHRM wants to help you get started. Use the tools below to talk to your supervisor about the SHRM-CP or SHRM-SCP certification programs and chart your course. Get started today!

Approach Your Boss Flyer
  • This document will help you make the case for your training request, draft discussion points for an in-person meeting, and craft an initial email to your boss.
Approach Your Boss Email Template
  • We’ve provided a sample email template with three options for the opener. Simply copy and paste the text into your email, choose an opener that best matches your situation, and customize it so it resonates with your manager.
Five Ways Your Organization Can Benefit Flyer
  • Help your manager understand the value of certification and build a business case for certification and training as a worthwhile investment. Schedule a meeting with your manager and arrive prepared with the powerful talking points provided. They demonstrate why your organization should support your efforts to prepare for and attain SHRM-CP or SHRM-SCP certification.